Remove This Toxin Immediately (PS it’s not what you think)!

Do you doubt yourself?

After I had Shelby I was 65lbs overweight, tired and unhappy. I doubted everything, even my own ability to get myself healthy again. 

Why was this happening?! This baffled me. Here I was a health coach, giving clients guidance every day yet I doubted my own capabilities of doing the exact same things I was telling others to do.

One day I woke up and I knew the answer! 

It was really so simple and I couldn't believe I knew the answer all along. 

I realized I was telling myself I COULDN’T do it. I was telling myself there wasn’t a way out. That I would be stuck here forever.

I looked in the mirror, barely recognizing the person looking back at me and I just felt self loathing, as well as a ton of guilt and shame for allowing myself to get here. My words about me and my body became more and more negative by the day.

I knew this had to stop and I knew exactly what I needed to do!

So what I did was work on replacing my negative thoughts with TRUTH!

This became the birth of Mantra Monday’s, something we now practice in Fuel For Fat Loss. Every Monday we choose a phrase and write it down some place that we will see it every day, and repeat it to ourselves throughout the day and week. I write my mantra on a post-it note and stick it to my bathroom mirror.

Mantras can be anything…as long as it’s positive and you let yourself believe it. * This is the most important part…you must allow yourself to truly believe it. *

  • I am enough

  • My body is amazing (it housed a baby for goodness sake)

  • Everything I need is within me

  • I love myself

  • I can and I will

  • I love myself. I believe in myself. I support myself

  • I will find a way

What will your mantra be?

Train your thoughts and your brain to see the beauty in YOURSELF!

Have a wonderful day, gorgeous!

I believe in you.


Healthy living has become unnecessarily complicated and most of the current popular advice doesn’t work - and isn’t actually based on science! That’s exactly why the FUEL FOR FAT LOSS Method was born - to combat the frustration you feel when you’re doing everything “right” but still not seeing results. In The 7 lbs In 7 Days Challenge we are going to introduce you to the Fuel For Fat Loss Method that has helped thousands transform
their bodies and life. Download for FREE now!