Happiness Mood Boosting Foods

I talk a lot about fueling your body with the right foods to help you increase your energy levels, optimize your health, and help you release weight if that’s your goal. But did you know that food has the ability to actually IMPROVE your mood?
If you have a fairly good diet, you can open up your pantry and find mood-boosting deliciousness!

Whether you are dealing with any mood changes, whether it is irritability, anger, or just plain old mood swings, it’s always a good idea to step back and take a look at your health and lifestyle first. Your mood fluctuations may be related to a medical condition that your doctor can help treat, but there are more considerations being made these days around how your lifestyle affects your mood and that includes the foods you are eating.

Nutrients in food can promote the production of the body’s feel-good hormones, serotonin and dopamine.

Also Eating Pre and Pro biotics have been found to decrease anxiety and increase happiness.

There are quite a few healthy and delicious foods that are not only fuel for your body but can actually help boost your mood. Some foods are just designed to hack our bodies into feeling happy.

Here are 2 foods I absolutely love for helping to boost the mood!


Mango is loaded with vitamin C which has serious immune and mood boosting power. Mango contains specific antioxidants that decrease depressive symptoms by helping your body stop the build up of free radicals and recover faster from stress.


Turmeric contains a compound called Curcumin. Curcumin is a natural anti inflammatory compound. When you reduce inflammation in the body you reduce your risk of disease. Studies show that curcumin has incredible benefits against depression. Curcumin basically boosts the brain neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine which are your feel good hormones.

Check out my HAPPINESS mood boosting smoothie below and ENJOY!


  1. ADD PEPPER TO HELP ABSORPTION. When you add a dash of pepper to turmeric, you’re going to increase the absorption rate of that Curcumin by 2000%. WOW!

  2. Choose a dairy free yogurt like coconut yogurt.


Do you want to flatten your belly? 

Time to hit the floor for a million crunches, right? 

Not so fast! Power crunching alone is definitely not going to work and there’s a way more efficient way to get toned abs!! In Flab to Flat, I have developed a strategy and a full proof formula to achieving a flat, toned abdomen. If you’re hoping to look and feel better than ever before in a bikini or crop top, rock your favourite tight dress with confidence or simply strengthen and tone, download Flab to Flat NOW to get started!

Simone Lovellhealthy life, Family